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Basic Auth Middleware with Traefik Ingress

The main source for this info was from bztes on StackOverflow via this answer they provided.

Three changes need to occur:

  1. A new secret needs to be defined with the username and password
  2. A new Middleware needs to be defined
  3. The middleware needs to be referenced in the Ingress definition

Creat the new secret

In Rancher, this can be done via the GUI, by going to Storage, Secrets, Create, HTTP Basic Auth. Alternatively, the below YAML can be used.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: basic-auth # Required; this is how you will reference the credentials
namespace: default # Optional
username: <username in base64>
password: <password in base64>

Create The Middleware

Use the below YAML to define a new Traefik-based middleware that performs basic authentication:

kind: Middleware
name: basic-auth-middleware # Required; this is how you will reference the middleware
namespace: default # Optional
removeHeader: true # Recommended so that downstream services don't see the authentication credentials
secret: basic-auth # `` from the secret

Reference The Middleware

Apply the following annotation to the ingress you want to protect. This example assumes a namespace of default and a middleware name of basic-auth-middleware. default-basic-auth-middleware@kubernetescrd

What does this mean? The middleware in use is in the default namespace, named basic-auth-middleware, and it can be found via a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (i.e. the middleware)