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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing allows a server to indicate who should be allowed to access those resources.

This is reliant on the client performing a pre-flight check and enforcing the CORS headers. If a client decides to not enforce the CORS policy, then this isnโ€™t really preventable by the server.

Bypassing CORSโ€‹

There are online services that can be used to proxy API calls through to bypass CORS policies. Worth noting is that these should not be trusted, since they effectively act as a man-in-the-middle proxy and can see the entire contents of the request going through, including usernames and passwords. The API calls are not being made to the intended destination; they are being made to the CORS proxy, which then issues the API call on the clientโ€™s behalf.

Example services of these include:

  • pierce403/; an instance of this is hosted at, but seems to be offline more than online.
  • Robโ€”W/cors-anywhere, which can be used for development purposes but has some protections against a client having their API calls unknowingly proxied without their consent.

There are some libraries that leverage online services of these to give the impression that the CORS policy is being ignored, however again this should never be used for anything remotely sensitive. These services also donโ€™t do any URL rewriting, which means that the additional resources required for displaying a webpage (Javascript, CSS, images, etc) wonโ€™t go through the CORS proxy. The intention is to use it for API calls, however browser pages can just as well be loaded.