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Javascript Modules

A module is just a bit of code encapsulated in a file, and exported to another file.

CommonJS as ESmodules are the two main Javascript module systems. CommonJS was the initial implementation which worked on Node applications only. ESmodules were introduced with ES6 (2015).

CommonJS (CJS)โ€‹

CommonJS looks like the following:

// add.js module
const add = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
// Provides `add` as the single function to be returned
module.exports = add;

// index.js
const add = require("./add.js");

console.log(add(1, 2)); // 3

Multiple functions and more complex data can be returned by assigning an object instead of a single function to module.exports:

// math.js module; assume `add` and `subtract` are implemented functions
module.exports = {
add: add,
subtract: subtract,

// index.js
const math = require("./math.js");
math.add(1, 2);
math.subtract(3, 2);

CommonJS module files can have the .cjs extension to explicitly denote them as a CommonJS module.

ESmodules (ESM)โ€‹

ESmodules, in their package.json, have an attribute of "type": "module" added to them.

The syntax for ESmodules, while similar in structure to CommonJS, is different. Taking the example from CommonJS, the code would look as follows:

// add.js module
const add = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
// Provides `add` as the single function to be returned
export { add };

// index.js
import { add } from "./add.js";

console.log(add(1, 2)); // 3

Multiple functions can be imported from the same module, assuming they were exported by that module.

import { add, subtract } from "./math.js";

Imports can be renamed for local use if thereโ€™s a naming conflict.

import { add as mathAdd } from "./math.js";

console.log(mathAdd(1, 2));

All exports can be imported and attached to an object.

import * as math from "./math.js";

console.log(math.add(1, 2));

A default export can be provided too, which can be imported without destructuring.

// math.js
export default add;

// index.js
import add from "./math.js";

An ESmodule can be used in a web browser if a type attribute is declared on the <script> tag. Note that in order to do this, your HTML needs to be served from a web server. If it is loaded from your filesystem (i.e. via the file:/// protocol), you will get a CORS error.

<script src="./math.js" type="module"></script>

Aside: the simplest Node-based way of doing this is to init a project in the directory with npm init -y and serving it with npx serve.

This approach to loading modules can definitely work, but the general consensus is to use a bundler like Webpack to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Universal Module Definition (UMD)โ€‹

UMD is an API for having Javascript modules run anywhere (server or client). Itโ€™s typically used in bundlers in the event that ESmodules are not available.

Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)โ€‹

AMD is a frontend, asynchronous module definition.