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Tasker Plugin Development

How Actions Workโ€‹

Tasker plugins require a number of classes to work, depending on what youโ€™re trying to accomplish. At minimum, you will need a helper, runner, and a configuration activity, but you may also need input and output classes.


A runner is responsible for performing the action defined by you, the developer. When Tasker says โ€œokay, perform the actionโ€, this is the code that is executing.

All runners extend the TaskerPluginRunnerAction class, which Tasker invokes with an Intent.



Input classes define the variables that should be passed to the plugin when running them. Each input class starts with a @TaskerInputRoot annotation, and each field is annotated with @field:TaskerInputField or @field:TaskerInputObject.

See Data Types for the accepted data types, as well as the caveats you should be aware of when working with inputs.

An example is available in Creating An Input Object


Output classes define the variables that are returned from the plugin action. When your plugin action is successful, Tasker will return all non-null values defined here.

See Data Types for the accepted data types, as well as the caveats you should be aware of when working with inputs.

If the plugin action returns an error Tasker will return two additional variables:

  • %err: A numeric error code. As the plugin developer, you will be responsible for defining these and what each one of them means.
  • %errmsg: The error message. You are also responsible for defining these based on your error conditions.

Each output class must have a @TaskerOutputObject annotation. Each field you want to return must be annotated with @get:TaskerOutputVariable. There is no such thing as @TaskerOutputRoot (not sure why that paradigm wasnโ€™t followed from the input object)

You can have nested objects in your output object. If you do this, the exact same rules as above need to be followed, but donโ€™t annotate the object field with @get:TaskerOutputVariable.

An example is TODO

Config Activitiesโ€‹

Data Typesโ€‹

Tasker input variables can only be one of the following data types:

  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • boolean
  • String
  • String[]
  • ArrayList<String>
  • Another input object

Tasker output variables will always have .toString() run on them prior to being returned to Tasker, so while you can technically have any data type in your output classes, the String equivalents to each field will actually be provided.

Variable Interpolationโ€‹

If you want to accept dynamic input from Tasker (i.e. via variables that are being set before calling your plugin), those values must be a String type. You will be responsible for setting them to the correct data type and doing proper type checking!

Why is this? Because Taskerโ€™s variables are all String data types when being test passed around, and the only way to reference a variable is by writing out its String name.

Assume, for a moment, that you have the following input object:

class HelloWorldInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
@field:TaskerInputField("name") var name: String? = null

Setting the variable value to %myvar would replace the text %myvar with the value of that variable. This runs contrary to the belief you may have that setting the variable %name before calling your plugin action would set the value of the name field on your input!

This means that, if you want to accept an external variable as input for a long data type, you would need to:

  1. Make the data type as a String instead of a long
  2. Convert the String to a long in your runnerโ€™s code (or as a helper function in your input class

Configuring Your Projectโ€‹

Your app requires the com.joaomgcd:taskerpluginlibrary library in order to be a Tasker plugin. You will also need to grant your app the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission.

  1. In your /app/build.gradle.kts (or /app/build.gradle) file, add the following dependency under the dependencies section:
dependencies {
val taskerLibraryVersion = "0.4.9"

As of writing, the latest version is 0.4.9, but grab the latest version as shown on Maven Central.

  1. In your /app/src/AndroidManifest.xml, add the Foreground Service permission:
<manifest xmlns:android=""

<!-- Required for Tasker to launch actions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

Creating An Actionโ€‹

If you havenโ€™t already, consider reviewing how actions work above.

As discussed above, an action has up to five parts:

  1. Input
  2. Output
  3. An Activity for configuring the action
  4. A helper that helps you interact with Tasker
  5. The runner, which performs the action

Weโ€™ll start with a plugin that creates no input and no output: Hello, World

A No Input, No Output Actionโ€‹

Start with the runner class. Remember: the runner performs the action you wish to automate.

The Runnerโ€‹

All action runners extend the TaskerPluginRunnerAction class, but the plugin also provides variants of this class for when you have no output, no input, or neither. Weโ€™ll use one of these.

// We first declare our new runner class. We have no output or input, so we
// use the helper class to keep our code cleaner.
class HelloWorldRunner : TaskerPluginRunnerActionNoOutputOrInput() {
// Every runner must implement the `run` method. An input is always
// passed in, but because we're not accepting any input, we can simply
// ignore it.
override fun run(context: Context, input: TaskerInput<Unit>): TaskerPluginResult<Unit> {
// We're performing a Toast action here, but this could be any work you want
Toast.makeText(context, "Hello, world!", LENGTH_LONG).show()

// All actions need to return a value to Tasker, even if it's just a "this
// worked" message. Without this, your plugin action will time out when
// running and produce an error within Tasker (even if the action still
// takes place!)
return TaskerPluginResultSuccess()

This code declares the runner, overrides the run() function, and implements some basic โ€œHello, worldโ€.

Next, we need to build out our helper.

The Helperโ€‹

All helpers extend the TaskerPluginConfigHelper class. Just like the runner, the library provides variants to simplify your code.

The helper is the glue that ties your classes together, and is how your config activity will communicate with Tasker. We use the helper to tell Tasker about the inputs and outputs (if any), and how it should perform the action.

// This class declaration is a bit of a mess. We define our class as an
// extension of one of the variants, and then need to provide the type
// definition of our runner. The `config` input here is, again, required. This
//will be our configuration activity, which we'll create after this.
class HelloWorldHelper(config: TaskerPluginConfigNoInput) : TaskerPluginConfigHelperNoOutputOrInput<HelloWorldRunner>(config) {
// A helper class has `runnerClass`, `inputClass`, and `outputClass`
// constants defined, which reference each of those classes. Because we used
// a helper variant, the `inputClass` and `outputClass` variables have been
// set for us because they're not relevant, but we could extend a different
// class and set them here when we're ready to accept input or provide output.
override val runnerClass =

Now that weโ€™ve created our helper which associates everything together, we can create our configuration activity.

The Config Activityโ€‹

Even when your plugin does not have any output or input, a configuration activity is required for Tasker. This logic is internal to Tasker itself I believe so Iโ€™m not completely certain about this, but it seems that this activity is invoked so that the Tasker helper can then provide the required information back to Tasker.

This requires two steps. First we create the activity, then we define it in our AndroidManifest.xml

All activities must implement either the TaskerPluginConfig interface or its no-input variant, the latter of which weโ€™ll be using here.

class HelloWorldConfigActivity : AppCompatActivity(), TaskerPluginConfigNoInput {
// TaskerPluginConfig requires its own reference to a context, so we simply
// point it to the current application context
override val context: Context get() = applicationContext
// And here's where we associate the helper to this activity. We'll invoke a
// method below which will send all of the info back to Tasker
private val taskerHelper by lazy { HelloWorldHelper(this) }

// Because we aren't taking in any input or displaying anything on the screen,
// we don't need to inflate a layout or call Jetpack Compose's `setContent`;
// we simply say "hey, Tasker, here's the details of this action"
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Required for all overrides
// Send the required info back to Tasker

Finally, we now declare the intent within our Android manifest. Within /src/main/res/AndroidManifest.xml, add a new activity under manifest > application.

Update android:name to the relative class name of your config activity. The example below assumes your activity is under the .action package.

android:label="Time Entry - Delete">
<action android:name="com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.EDIT_SETTING" />

The intent filter is required for Tasker to be able to detect your activity.

Thatโ€™s it! Hello World should now show up in Tasker and be able to be triggered.

Accepting Inputโ€‹

Building upon our previous example, we can extend this to accept input from the user. To do this, we need to create an Input class, then update our helper, config, and runner classes.

Creating An Input Objectโ€‹

Following the requirements of inputs, we need to create a new Input class to store our input.

// The top level of the input requires this annotation
class HelloWorldInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
// Each field we receive from Tasker must be defined with this field. There
// are additional options that can be used to specify a localized name,
// description, and more.
@field:TaskerInputField("name") var name: String? = "World"

Note that every variable needs a default value provided. This can be null, but doesnโ€™t need to be.

For more complex input, we can nest our input; Tasker will provide it in the correct location.

// The top level of the input requires this annotation
class HelloWorldInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
// Each field we receive from Tasker must be defined with this field. There
// are additional options that can be used to specify a localized name,
// description, and more.
@field:TaskerInputField("name") var name: String? = "World"
@field:TaskerInputObject("formatting") var formatting: FormattingInput = FormattingInput()

class FormattingInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
@field:TaskerInputField("suffix") var suffix: String = "!"

Samples and Library Sourceโ€‹

The source code to the plugin library and a bunch of sample actions, events, and conditions are all within the same GitHub repository. /app/ contains the samples, and /taskerpluginlibrary/ contains the library.

Official Docsโ€‹