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Who cares what you read; what matters is what you read.
โ€” Epictetus

I really enjoy reading, although the majority of my prior reading has been around technical documentation for programming or blog posts about productivity. Iโ€™ve started to read more long-form books starting in 2022.

The stoic philosophers believed that you should re-read books frequently, as we grow and learn and change over time.

We never step in the same river twice.


Various applications, web clippers, etc.

  • Readwise
    • My referral link can be used to get a free month for both myself and the user of the link.
    • This seems like a great service for those that have a Kindle and purchase eBooks through Amazon. Automatic highlight syncing relies on Amazon having your highlights, and Amazon only syncs highlights from your eReader if you purchased the eBook through them.
  • Clippings, a site for working with Kindle clippings
    • Has a free and paid offering; the free offering does not support exporting, so you effectively need to pay to get your data out of the system.
  • Reading Notes, a Kindle clipping manager.
    • Free and open source with code hosted on GitHub
    • Seems like a good, but lesser-featured app. I donโ€™t see tagging support, and the export functionality and API are still on the roadmap.
  • Instapaper, a place to collect items to read later.
    • Has both a free and paid option. Premium gives you access to full-text searching of everything you upload, and unlimited notes rather than the current limit of 5 notes per month.
  • Wallabag, a read-it-later app, similar to Instapaper
    • Free and open source with code hosted on GitHub.
    • I use this for storing articles. Overall it works pretty well. The Android app doesnโ€™t look very nice, but it works just fine and thatโ€™s what matters.
    • Someone has created a native Kindle app for Wallabag, but it requires a jailbroken Kindle.